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Rapiécer ce qui ne saurait te survivre

Silkscreen on porcelain
21 pieces, variable dimensions


Exhibition view

Passage à découvert, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montreal 
I keep her boxes of sewing patterns. Among models of children's clothes, I found a few patterns for skirt-suit sets and jackets in her size. Patching up what cannot survive you is a series of twenty-one pieces of porcelain halfway between sculpture and image. With this work, I try to reconstruct the non-existent memory of a jacket that my mother would have made. I search, I touch, I read, I dissect these many pieces annotated with a codified language that finds an echo in a somewhat troubled memory. As one does with a puzzle, I put together what should come together, in groups, then in subgroups. By linking the pieces, I evoke the silhouette of a body at certain times in the sequence of pieces.

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